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Okay so here is part two of my comic book creation process. The first time, I drew in penmcil on 8.5 X 11 copy paper and scannned it into photoshop. Then I filtered it with the "LEVELS" tool. This darkens in your lines so they look inked.. Then, I save the file and transfer it into GIMP, a freeware program that has more colors than photoshop. I used many digital brushes to make the colors look sharp. Finally, I save the file as a PDF and sent it into a drawing program in Open Office. A freeware program you can download off of the net. There is a word bublle pallete in the program. I used it to adfd the word balloons and text. Now, here is page one of Super Ultra Cursaders. Created By Me: Ryan Hart Soliwoda. The guy with the green hair in panel two is Christopher Crusader A.K.A. "CRUSADER MAN" and the girl with the purple hair in the firs tpanel is his girlfriend Alsiha Kutra. A.K.A. "LADY CRUSADER" and, finally, The lady in grey with the rasberry hair is Kalaraa.....Their Mentor who helped the Crusaders get their powers. Now go ahead and read the world bubbles and enjoy the artwork. till next time...ROCK ON COMIC BOOKERS! -Ryan


Super Ultra Crusaders Is Copyright: Ryan Hart Soliwoda 2015

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